Worksite Wellness

Supporting Employee Health & Wellness

Since the Heart of New Ulm began, worksites throughout the New Ulm area have embraced the work of the project to help support employee health and wellness. Today, more than 40 of the area’s largest 100 employers have active wellness programming — an increase from only five in 2009. Employers have encouraged their employees to participate in health screenings, offered worksite wellness programs, created policies such as healthier vending options, established tobacco-free worksites, promoted community programs and more.

The Worksite Wellness Action Team (WWAT) plans, schedules and conducts quarterly networking and training sessions for New Ulm area worksite wellness leaders. It also plans and conducts other programs for worksites and the community such as community health challenges, the Poker Walk, scavenger hunts and the annual Holiday Trimmings program.

Firmenich Worksite Wellness Story

WWAT Priorities and Recent Accomplishments

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Workplace Wellness Trainings

April Honu Worksite Event Oct Honu Worksite Eventrev

Every year, the team hosts quarterly Worksite Wellness networking and training events. In 2024, he team hosted three quarterly worksite wellness networking and training events focused on nutrition for 64 attendees:

February: Successful Strategies for Eating Healthier at Work

April: Your Brain on Food: Mental Health & Nutrition

October: Befriending Your Gut Microbes: Building a Strong Microbiome

Embrace Wellness Logo

Resiliency Program for Local Worksites

Random Acts Pic Blethen Berens Random Acts Pic Blethen Berens

Every year, the team works in partnership with the Brown County Mental Health and Wellness Action Team to offer the Embrace Wellness program (formerly called The People Project) to worksites to help employees build resiliency through fun, evidence-based mental well-being strategies that result in better connected, happier people.

For example, the first practice is focusing on random acts of kindness for influencing positive emotion and meaning. One of the participating employers in 2024, Blethen Berens, had a team of employees go into the community to perform random acts of kindness (photos above). They hid pre-packaged easter eggs at a park for kids to find and hid cash in the toy section for kids to find and buy a treat with.

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Poker Walk Events

All WeeksNu Poker Walk Walker Flyer

The Poker Walk is offered every year in the spring in partnership with the Chamber and Ameriprise Financial to promote financial and physical wellness. Every Friday during the month of the Poker Walk, participants walk a designated one-mile route, which includes stops at five participating Chamber businesses. Participants stop at each business, pick up a playing card, assemble their poker hand, and drop off their poker hand each week for a chance to win gift cards. In 2024, the walk had 16 participating businesses that attracted approximately 119 walkers throughout the four-week event.

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Holiday Trimmings Program

Color Ht Week NovHoliday Trimmings Flyer

The Holiday Trimmings Program is offered every year to help people improve their well-being during the busy holiday season.

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Community Scavenger Hunts to Promote Walking and Bicycling

From 2019 - 2021, the team offered community scavenger hunts for people to walk or bike around town and learn more about the community.

Nursing Mother's Room

Success Story: MRCI Nursing Room

MRCI - New Ulm created a private space for employees who are breastfeeding mothers to express milk. The room is also available to all employees as a quiet space they can use during their personal breaks throughout the day.

According to the Office on Women’s Health, more than 80% of new mothers in the United States begin breastfeeding, and 6 in every 10 new mothers are in the workforce.

“It is our goal at MRCI to reduce barriers to breastfeeding for nursing mothers returning to work,” stated Melissa Hudson, New Ulm Branch Manager. “The created space is private, safe, clean and in close proximity to a sink for washing hands and cleaning breast pump parts.”

Worksite Wellness E-Newsletters

For additional ways on how your worksite can get involved in supporting wellness, visit our Get Involved page.

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