Safe Routes to School
The Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Action Team is working to make it safer for children to walk and bicycling to school by addressing the six Es – education, encouragement, equity, evaluation, engagement and engineering. The top three concerns that parents have identified: the speed of traffic, amount of traffic and uncontrolled intersections.
Recent Projects and Accomplishments
Active Story Stroll

In in January and February 2024, in celebration of I Love to Read Month and Winter Walk to School Day, the Safe Routes to School action team partnered with local schools to host an Active Story Stroll. The pages of children’s books were displayed for a week on walking routes around the outside at NUACS and on the Jefferson / Middle School campus and teachers took students on walks during school hours to read the book together. Children and families also enjoyed the Story Stroll during non-school hours.
School Patrol Program Reboot

In 2023, the Safe Routes to School team rebooted the School Patrol for Jefferson and the Middle School campuses and the program became active with 11 student patrols (after having none over the previous two years).
The team also worked on revamping the school arrival/dismissal procedure and a pilot for a weekly Walking School Bus from Lincoln Park for students to walk to the St. Paul, Jefferson and Middle School campuses.
Walk! Bike! Fun! Curriculum Training

In May 2023, the SRTS team hosted a training for the Walk! Bike! Fun! curriculum, developed by the Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota, and trained four area educators, a SHIP coordinator and a SRTS coordinator.
Center Street and Garden Street Engineering Study

In February 2023, the New Ulm City Council authorized a request for proposals to conduct an engineering study and concept design for the Center Street and Garden Street intersection near the high school. The intersection has been long identified as a difficult crossing for vehicles and pedestrians during the morning and afternoon when school is in session. The complex intersection serves as a barrier to people accessing important amenities located within walking distance of each of its four corners, including the high school, baseball park, Brown County Community Services, the recreation center, residences, Martin Luther College and, up the hill, the iconic Hermann Heights Monument.
The Safe Routes to School Team, City of New Ulm Safety Commission and the Heart of New Ulm have all identified the intersection as a safety priority. Read more in The Journal.
To help ensure everyone’s safety on New Ulm’s sidewalks and streets, and encourage people to make smart decisions when encountering people walking and riding their bicycles, the SRTS Action Team in 2021 conducted a 10-month long public safety campaign. The campaign reminded people to SEE people walking and bicycling, act SAFE, and be SMART. Each month, a different safety message reminded people to be aware of and alert to people who are out walking and bicycling in the community — especially kids. The safety messages featured photos of kids and adults from New Ulm and highlight specific problem areas.
Read articles from the 2017 SEE.SAFE.SMART. campaign in the New Ulm Journal.
Bike Maintenance Classes

In 2024, the Safe Routes to School team helped secure a grant from MnDot’s Safe Routes to School program for a bike maintenance/technician curriculum through a competitive application process. The grant for $24,476 will fund Project Bike Tech classes, to be offered at Ulm Sweet Ulm by Lykke Communities, a local nonprofit organization. Youth in grades 7-12 are encouraged to sign up for 2025 classes, which will empower them to develop the skills needed to maintain bicycles. Classes will also serve as a conduit to teach core academics and STEM elements, enhance lives, create career opportunities and promote active transportation.
In October 2023, the SRTS team partnered with BikeMN to offer a bike maintenance class for high school students and adults. BikeMN staff provided instruction and hands-on application for diagnosing and performing common adjustments and repairs.
Bike Fleet Expansion

In 2023, to further promote bicycling skills and safety education for younger children, 12 smaller bikes and striders were added to the Community Education Bike Fleet. The original fleet of 30 bicycles and an enclosed trailer has been in use since 2016 by schools and is available for rent by community groups such as Scouts, childcare and summer programs and faith groups.
Walk, Bike & Roll to School Days

Every year in the Spring and the Fall, New Ulm Schools participate in Walk, Bike & Roll to School Day. The Walk to School Day event helps promote safer routes for students who walk or bicycle in our community. It also helps to promote physical activity for our students, and build connections between our families, schools and community.
New Traffic Safety Playground!

The New Ulm Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Action Team completed a new Safety Traffic Playground outside New Ulm Middle School in August 2022 with the help of volunteers who spent more than 200 hours painting the pavement. The mini-street painted play space provides children and families a fun space to practice safe walking, bicycling and scooting skills away from traffic. No real cars are allowed.
The playground was made possible by a grant from the MNDOT’s SRTS Boost funding initiative. Learn more
Why Walk or Bicycle to School?
The Benefits of Safe Routes to School (SRTS)
SRTS is more than just a program — it is a comprehensive strategy to instill lifelong habits that support physical activity and health. Walking and bicycling to school helps families stay active and healthy, and kids arrive focused and ready to learn. A comprehensive and effective SRTS initiative can help create a healthier community for generations to come.
Kids are More Active
SRTS programs help kids get more physical activity. Children are recommended to get 60 minutes of physical activity a day. Walking or bicycling to or from school usually gives children an additional 20 to 40 minutes of activity per day (or 1/3 – 2/3 of their daily recommended amount).
Students Arrive Ready to Learn
Research has shown that SRTS helps kids arrive to school focused and ready to learn. Getting activity through walking and bicycling helps reduce behavior problems and helps kids settle in for learning during the school day. Research shows that extra focus and behavioral control in the classroom has led to higher test scores for regular walkers and bicyclists.
Communities Become Safer for All
Because schools are often located at the center of communities, safety improvements benefit people of all ages. Seniors particularly benefit from improvements that slow traffic and make streets safer and can also benefit by volunteering to support educational and promotional activities.
Families are More Active, Too
SRTS programs have been found to increase bicycling and walking for not only kids, but for the whole family.
More Information
Jen Maurer
Heart of New Ulm Coordinator;
Interim New Ulm Safe Routes to School Coordinator
Walk to School Video
Bike to School Video
Additional Resources and Information
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