9th Annual Poker Walk Begins June 7

Nu Poker Walk Walker Flyer

The New Ulm Area Chamber of Commerce and Wealth Management Solutions – Ameriprise Financial, with promotional support from the Heart of New Ulm, invite everyone in New Ulm to participate in the 9th Annual Poker Walk in June to promote financial and physical wellness.

Here’s how it works:

  • Every Friday during the month of June, check out the Chamber’s or Heart of New Ulm’s Facebook page for the week’s designated one-mile route, which will include stops at five participating Chamber businesses. You can also pick up a printed copy at the New Ulm Chamber office at 1 N. Minnesota St.
  • Participants need to stop at each business between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. and pick up a playing card, assemble their poker hand, and then stop at the Chamber office at 1 N. Minnesota St. to drop off and register their hand by 5 p.m. each Friday.

  • Each card is a different color. Make sure that the card you receive from each business is the same color as your previous one. For your poker hands to be valid, they must be submitted with all cards of the same color.

  • Submit a photo of yourself participating in the walk by emailing wealth-management-solutions@ampf.com or tag #PokerWalkNewUlm on Facebook or Instagram with your photo.

  • The best hands from each week will be entered into the Grand Prize Drawing to win more than $500 worth of gift cards to local businesses.

For the weekly route maps, watch the New Ulm Area Chamber’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com/NewUlmAreaChamber, Wealth Management Solutions – Ameriprise Facebook page at www.facebook.com/wmsnewulmmn or the Heart of New Ulm’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com/HeartOfNewUlm

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